19 July 2023
The DWMA publishes its Annual Review 2022
The Dutch Waste Management Association (DWMA) has published its Annual Review 2022. The DWMA and its members are committed to a future in which circularity is a given, very little waste is produced and most materials are recycled for new uses. With maximum circularity, energy recovery and emissions reduction, the waste sector will make a full contribution to the transition to the circular economy and the climate transition. The basis for this is the safe and responsible collection and treatment of waste. Waste companies keep the country clean and tidy. The Annual Review covers several important activities within these main themes of the DWMA’s strategy that have taken place over the past year.
Vital sector
A safe and healthy work environment is a basic condition for everything we do in the transition to a circular economy. The Covid-19 pandemic continued to place severe strains on society during 2022, but a temporary regulation ensured that Covid-contaminated wastes were treated quickly and safely. The DWMA worked with value chain partners on preventing fires caused by batteries, resolving the problem of substances of very high concern and protecting workers against exposure to diesel engine emissions. Workers in the waste industry were again celebrated during the Week of Waste Heroes in 2022.
The waste sector assesses new materials, products, techniques and policies for their contribution to the transition to the circular economy. During the year considerable attention was devoted to modernising the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme and to chemical recycling, biobased plastics and commercial waste. Commercial waste collection was subjected to critical review and a campaign was developed to increase the separate collection of waste from offices, shops and other service industries. Discussions were held with government on waste-to-energy capacity and the future of landfilling.
Well executed and timely maintenance of the sewer system is essential to cope with effects of climate change, population growth and urbanisation. This was clearly stated in a position paper prepared by the sewer cleaning and inspection companies in the DWMA. Research in Europe has shown the importance of good waste management for reducing emissions. The role of the Dutch waste sector in the climate transition was explored further and the government and politicians were clearly informed of the value of the waste industry for supplying heat and electricity and its potential for generating negative emissions in this transition.
More information can be found in our Annual Review 2022.
Derek Middleton
See also