
The Dutch Waste Management Association takes the utmost care to ensure that the information on this website is as complete, correct, up to date and accessible as possible. We endeavour to keep this website simple and user friendly. This means that it is constantly evolving.

The information on this website (text, photos, logos, etc.) may not be reproduced or published via the internet or printed hard copy, photocopied, transmitted by fax or stored in a computer database without the written permission of the Dutch Waste Management Association.You may, however, create links to this website or to specific information on this site.

No rights can be derived from the information contained on this website and the Dutch Waste Management Association accepts no responsibility for any consequences of the use of the information provided.

If you have any suggestions, questions or comments about the content of this website, please let us know by email. We would also like to hear from you if you believe that our website contains errors, incomplete information or could otherwise be improved.